Tutoring notes. August 13th, 2022
The present Perfect:
Prounoun + Have/Has + Participle
- I have eaten pizza
- I have eaten salmon
- I have driven my car
- I have read a new booK
- My mom has eaten meat
- My sister has bought me a gift
- My brother has cooked enchiladas
- I haven’t finished my English classes
- I haven’t worked this morning
- I haven’t watched the new series
- I haven’t cleaned my house
- I haven’t cooked lunch
- My mom hasn’t washed the laundry
- My sister hasn’t chosen a career
- My boss hasn’t sent the metrics report
- My husband hasn’t bought apples
- My mom hasn’t made breakfast
MEALS OF THE DAY (never use “the”)
- breakfast
- lunch
- never use past time expression
- last week
- last year
3 days ago
- COOK present
- COOKED cukt
- FINISHED finicht
- WASH wach
- WASHED wacht
- BOUGHT bot
Express completed actions, normally in the context of obligations, actions you are supposed to do or complete. Affirmative sentences
- Pronoun + Have/Has + Already + Participle
Have/Has + Pronoun + Already + Participle (?) Yes No
- Have you already eaten breakfast today?
- Have you already made your bed?
- Have you already taken a rest?
- Have you already watched The Sandman?
- Have you already bought groceries?
Have you already drunk coffee?
- I have already paid the rent this month
- I have already cleaned my house
- I have already taken the medicine
- I have already bought a new car
- I have already cooked pasta
- I have already eaten breakfast
- My daughter has already cleaned her room
- My mom has already watched the telenovela
- My sister has already swept the floor
- My father has already cleaned the garden
- I have already done my report at work
- I have already started my project
- I have already sold my car
- I have already paid the rent
I have already played baskeball
- CLEAN cli’in
- CLEAND cli’ind/cli’int
- WATCH watch
WATCHED watcht
Express not completed actions, normally in the context of obligations, actions you are supposed to do or complete.
- Pronoun + Haven’t/Hasn’t + Participle + Yet
Have/Has + Pronoun + Participle + Yet (?)
- I haven’t drunk coffee yet
- I haven’t paid the bills this week yet
- I haven’t won the lottery won
- I haven’t eaten my lunch yet
- I haven’t started college yet
- I haven’t done my homework yet
- My mother hasn’t visited me yet
- My sister hasn’t cleaned her room yet
- My boss hasn’t replied the email yet
- My partner hasn’t sent the new activites yet
- My father hasn’t mowed “MOUD” the lawn “LON” yet
- I haven’t paid my taxes yet
- I haven’t prepared lunch
- I haven’t paid my children’s school yet
- I haven’t gone to the supermarket yet
- I haven’t found a new book yet
I haven’t washed my car yet
- ALREADY/YET yes no questions
- Have you already washed your car? Information question
- Have you washed your car yet?
have you finished your homework yet?
- Have you already sent the report?
- Have you already called “cald” your mom?
- Have you cleaned your room yet?
- Have you paid the rent yet?
Have you already cleaned your house?
- sound of letter Y is like “iiii”
- YOU “iu”
- YESTERDAY “iesterdei”
Ever/Before questions:
Emphasize if an action has happened in the life experience of a person, use in Yes/No questions.
- Have you everstudied “staried” English?
- Have you ever cooked enchiladas?
- Have you ever run a marathon?
- Have you ever eaten crickets?
- Have you ever knocked “nokt” out a person?
- Have you ever been to New York?
- Have you ever broken a window?
- Have you ever taken an airplane?
- Have you ever tried “traid” worms?
- Have you ever won the lottery?
- Have you everstroked “stroukt” a lion?
- Have you ever broken a bone?
- Have you driven in La Rumorosa before?
- Have you ever drunk beer?
- Have you ever improved something at work?
- Have you ever fought “fot” a snake?
- Have you ever heard ghosts?
- Have you ever visited Chicago?
- Have you sang rancheras before?
Have you ever drunk wine?
- sound linking
- have you ever fought asnake?
- jav iu ever fot asneik
- Have/Has + Pronoun + Ever + Participle (?)
- Have/Has + Pronoun + Participle + Before (?)
Ever/Never statements:
Emphasize that a life experience does not exist. Use Ever only in negative statements. Use Never only in affirmative statements.
- Pronoun + Haven’t/Hasn’t + Ever + Participle
Pronoun + Have/Has + Never + Participle
- I haven’t ever smoked
- I have never smoked
- I haven’t ever been to Alaska
- I haven’t ever tried roaches
- I haven’t ever learned French
- I have never seen ghost
- I haven’t ever moved to another city
- I have never watched Betty la fea
- I have never shaved by beard
- I have never baked “beikt” a cake
- I haven’t ever driven a truck
- I have never bought a house
- My father hasn’t ever given a course
- My mother has never studied English
- My father hasn’t ever traveled by airplane
- My grandmother has never eaten sea food
My sister hasn’t ever played the guitar
- COAKROACHes coukrouches
- ROACHes rouches
Use to express the amount of time related to an action that has been happening. Use Since for a specific point in the past. Use For for periods of time.
- Pronoun + Have/Has + Participle + Since + (past time expression)
Pronoun + Have/Has + Participle + For + (period of time)
- I have been a teacher since 2006
I have been a teacher for a lot of years
- I have lived in Mexicali since 1994
- I haven’t been to Sinaloa since 2010
- I have lived in my house for 7 years
- I have been learning English since 2017
- I have gone to English classes for a year
- I have gone to English classes since 2021 (last year)
- I haven’t watched TV since this morning
- I haven’t watched TV for 4 hours
- I have been married since 2019
- I have been married for 3 years
- I have lived in Mexicali since I was born
- I have lived in Mexicali for 35 years
- My mom has studied her second career since 2020
- My mom has studied her second career for 2 years
- My sister has studied her career for 3 years
- My sister has studied her career since 2019
- My brother hasn’t bought a new computer for 3 years
- My brother hasn’t bought a new computer since 2019
- My dad has lived in Can Cun since 2015
- My dad has lived in Can Cun for 7 years